As a “young” scientist (current Postdoc @ FAU, Erlangen, Germany) and a proponent of open science, I have taken to the Net to share data that will not be published but might be useful for other people.
In the lab I am currently working at the Friedrich-Alexander University, we use zebrafish to understand the dynamics underlying human cancer progression. For this, we have engrafted different types of cancers into zebrafish, mainly in the blood circulation since this is our forte, but also through other injection sites. Here I will try to host a host of pictures with representative phenotypes of engrafted cancer cells, together with the relevant metadata required to reproduce the experiments. In this way, I can share with the community data that will (probably) never see the light of day, or that has been generated under the banner of limitless curiosity.
Since this happens under the guise of open science, I would ask of my fellow researchers to also submit data that they think could be useful to the community. For example, representative images from the xenografts that were used to generate a beautiful graph but will not be published as pictures.
So that it may bring you joy… (also science, but mainly joy)